Its 11.05pm.I wanted to sleep..get into my slumberland..but,my stomach doesn't allow it.So what I to the max.Besides,my mind is full of thoughts.My collegemate,jia sin,suddenly buzz me in msn.''Hei,do u know tat legal method results r out?''...I need to read tat sentence twice before it get registered into my mind.LEGAL METHOD RESULTS OUT???WTH???Y????
Today is my last day of semester break.LAST DAY.OMG.And I get the news that I'm gonna face my result tomorrow morning.I seriously loathe it.OK.Cold sweat sending chills down my spine.Damn unpleasant cold feeling.Worst still,She continued..''20 ppl failed.''WHAT THE HELLL????????????????
I thought legal method is a subject that's easy to pass..y 20 students in our class will fail..???? My mind was full of uncertainties..So I asked..''How do u know??..Did u know ur result then?'' I was waiting for immediate reply..I called weiyee..she's SO SHOCKED..what an unpleasant news man..I was wondering..would I pass..?? or would I fail..?? OR borderline pass..?? Then flashback.Ok.Section A..out of 10 questions..3 questions not I would lose around 10 marks from Section A.Section B.Damn.It's bout AG V HOLLEY case.I hope what I wrote was right.Hope So.I remembered what I wrote..basically juz threw out everything that came into my mind tat time..did memorize some judgments..OK.I dun wanna think bout it anymore.Grabbed my shopaholic book and started reading.Read a few sentences..then tat idiotic news kept on bugging me.Bugger.OK.Called caroline.Told her bout it.Shocked too.Shit.No mood to watch my favourite programme.The Ultimate Victory.Haih.Heard the laughters from my siblings downstairs.That funny show.Coincidentally,ainun msg me.''M.y,our class start 2moro right?'' I called her too..and told her bout d news..Sighing...
Caroline called.She told me she called carole..(our senior)and that she said..23 students from our class failed.WTH???????????????? Suddenly 20..then 16..then 23 students failed??? Haiyo what is the exact number..?????.............................................................................................................................................................
My happy mood falters,then slowly disappears.I'M SUPPOSED TO ENJOY TO THE MAX TODAY.WTH MAN...the gay feeling of going to banting this tues,and the movie plan(of watching spiderman) for wed..GONE.
Florence suddenly chat with me in MSN at 11.30 pm.She wrote:
I'm like paused for a moment.Dunno what to reply her.She continued''
''u sure carole wasnt bluffing?!''
''NOBODY FAILS LEGAL METHOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1''
''EVEN MISS QUAH SAYS SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''
''DONT TELL ME OUR COURSEWORK SO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''
Then set yee also told me that she's scared..argh.I'M ALSO VERY SCARED AND WORRIED.Reminds me of MS QUAH's words''There's a binding precedent for legal method..which is A or B+''
OK...I went to read my cuz's blog.Oh..!April 28 was yesterday!!!How come I didn't realise??? I took a glimpse at my phone.29 April.Oh wonder my mum insisted of going back to wonder..but my dad disagreed.He said we r gonna go back next no point going back this week..OK.
April the day where everybody would make a point to go back to malacca,ujong pasir,to gather and have a simple reunion.For a dinner.It's on this date where my grandparents celebrated their sweet& lovely marriage for 50 years.Golden anniversary.Apr 28 for this year was horrible then.No reunion in Ujong Pasir.No laughters,no cheers(yam seng~~),no meeting lovely relatives& cousins,no karaoke,no sleeping together wif my lovely cousins,no eating br8fast and lunch and dinner wif them,no chats and gossips,not knowing how are they faring.It's BAD.I missed them like hell.Didn't manage to go back for grandpa's 100 death days because I'm having my exam.Which means that I wouldnt be able to meet meixuan,hongwei,peiyi,weiyi,my uncles and aunties...
So,from now on,Apr 28 would no longer be a reunion day for us.Unpredictable.Really unexpected.And I thought of my grandma.How is she now?? Even though she sounds ok on the phone..(as I talked to her two days ago)but I wouldnt really know if she's ok.I got a feeling that she will be lonely.Dont know y.The memories of seeing her being so depressed really hurts.I had never seen my grandma so so depressed when my family and I turned up in front of her house.Not even once.In my life.And neither did I see my relatives being so damn quiet while we arrived.They were folding the money papers.As i walked passed the green gate,I saw ah gong's photo surrounded by flowers.There's an unusual mood.Really really weird.As I lighted up the joystick,I took a glimpse on ah ma sitting on the sofa,with her teared eyes.She looked so fatigue.Then I heard my mum burst out crying.My bros and sis were very quiet.Not the usual them.They would usually be jumping here and monkeys.It's about 11pm at that time.
I still cannot get adapt to it.It's like when I went back to Ujong pasir during CNY,I don't see ah gong waiting for us outside,opening the door,with a smile plastered on his face..anymore.So so weird.So used to greet him first.Then my dad would be telling my little siblings''Dont rush to play har..muz greet ah gong and ah ma first..muz ask them how r u..???bla bla...''
And on February my dad told my siblings..''Dont ask ah ma how r u doing,just tell her-stay healthy.''There's an awkward situation.Just don't know how to describe here.
It's 12.14 am now.My class starts tomorrow.Have to face my results.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Lunch in Shogun!!
My dear friend,caroline suggested to go to Shogun-japanese buffet restaurant to eat.I wanted to go there very long edy but no chance.So,me,her,weichao,huajie,and alif went.Haha..finally..after all the boring days at home..I'm going to one u..hehehe..maybe is because I'm too lazy to go to one-u unless there's any events.Okay.So I missed the beauty workshop.Its ok.I didn't regret it.
The food is delicious~~~yummy!I luv the shakfin soup,unagi,chicken teriyaki,cheese oyster,salmon,and some of the raw fish,sushi,mushroom soup,fried prawn,cawan mushi(I'd eaten two bowls)etc etc..and the cream..yummy tasty delicious~~and its only 50 bucks per head..haha if you got two heads then you have to pay 100 bucks la..hahahaaa so worth it!!My stomach is so so full now..ahahah
We chat and chat..made jokes..haha my friend,alif,didn't know what is a dragonfruit.He asked me,''eh,why they serve watermelon got chicken pox one!!??''Hahahaha damn funny la~~!@ I was laughing and friend caroline laughed and asked'which kampung you come from???''Hahaha..the whole table is full of laughters.....
After that alif went on,''Eating is so stressful la@@!'' Haha first time I heard ppl said eating is stressful..caroline agreed wif me..hehe..
After eating in shogun,me and alif planned to go to MPH..while caroline,weichao and huajie wanted to go back edy..but they accompanied me to so touching lo..hehe i luv u all~~!So I bought a SHOPAHOLIC storybook,HOT magazine,FEMALE magazine and GALAXIE magazine..gonna read it during ''nothing-to-do''time..or''bored-to-death''time..hehehe..and guess what??After weichao,huajie and caroline went back,I found alif in the KIDS SECTION in MPH reading SHIT EXCUSES..hahaha wow that dai kor ar..and I played a ''prank''on him..he told me to tell him when I'm going downstairs..ok so I hang around for while and I went downstairs,and I didn't tell him..hahaha then he got freaked out..hahahah!!!He thought that I'm lost@@@Anyway I said sorry..kekekeke jaja:)
Really appreciate them as my frens..they really cheered me up so so much..I was laughing and laughing throughout the meal..hahaha..ok..feeling very sleepy now..I wanna go back to my slumberland...nite nite..:)
Posted by
4/26/2007 05:31:00 PM
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
I'm so sick of it~!
Im so so damn sick of this.Woke up at 7am to edit and change my template.I dun like the classic template!I'd tried A MILLION TIMES to save templates from blogskins and try to save it in my blogger.And this is the result they will always gimme.
''We could not save your template.Not well-parsed dunno what XML..''
''Error..dunno what..erm..let me recall..watvea la!!''
THIS IS REALLY DRIVING ME CRAZY.Then I went to ask those whom I think would be able to help me I went to ask Hamjay..he provided some information bout HTML..but then i am equipped with tat knowledge edy..anyway thank him alot..then i went to ask my cousin..he said he dunno anything bout templates..hahaha he knows bout programming on the other hand..ok fine..thank him alot anyway..he kept on laughing and laughing..but then in the end he provided me some websites bout blogger templates..went to check it out but it didnt help much in the end..cos we bloggers can't switch from beta to old version of so disappointed..~~!!And there's no information bout the****ING ERROR~~!!!****
Actually Florence had been helping m out alot..too bad it still didnt work out~~!!!!**** **** ARGH!!!
Ok change topic.So my cousin,peiyi has decided to take the teaching path.Although,personally I dun really like this job..but diff ppl has diff opinion..and this cuz of mine is wise and smart..haha so Im not worried at all..hehe what I will do is im gonna wish her all da best~~!!And God bless u with a good bf in future..!! Haha sorry ar I still havent find a suitable one for ya..coz Im very 'busy' these few days..haha I juz wanna enjoy the holidays..hehehe my frens already worrying bout RESULTS!!!What the hell man..Im not thinking bout it at 1st..but when my frens kept on asking bout Im getting tense!!Shit shit shit...he's making me getting back to him..I DUN WANT LA..IM NOT GOING TO FLASHBACK THE SWEET way man...that bastard is evil..
And yeah today my dad bought DURIANS..hahahaha okies..I can't wait for may to come..I'm gonna meet WuChun~~!!!!! Haha me and my fren,krystle planned to stalk him..!!! Haha silly us~~!!! Kekekekezzzz....bad bad intention le...ahahahaha...
Posted by
4/24/2007 11:02:00 PM
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Funny! Have to read..
My dad wanted to know whether Pizza Hut has provided the service of wireless connection,so he dialled 1300882525 and called up the nearest branch.A malay lady answered:
''how many pizza u want?''
''I want to ask whether u all hav this wifi service.??''
Another voice appeared and asked:
''How can I help u..?''
''I want to ask whether u all got wireless connection in pizza hut..??''
''How many pizzas? Wireless?''
''Ya..did u all provide wireless connection??!!''
''Oh,no worries sir,our pizzas dun have wires.''
Posted by
4/22/2007 04:26:00 PM
Vincent's 21st birthday party
Two days before constitutional paper,I received an astonishing news.Could it be the person tat i used to luv so much,out of the blue,had waken up from coma???Or could it be it's vincent loew's birthday party.I get to know him since at a very young age,as we were neighbours.I was wondering and wondering..
y it must be so so near to my consti exam???
y it can't be 3 days after???
or few weeks before???
Moreover,he actually turned up for my 18th birthday party..which I didnt expect him to come..although he arrived lil bit late..
Oh my mind was telling-I have to go.I missed and missed them so much.
But on the other hand,my mind was telling-haiyo..still havent read PS..SOP..sumore havent memorize ROL..HOW CAN i GO????
Then my bro was persuading and persuading me to go..haiyo~~~[confused]he said he will be alone..he wanna 'kao' gals only la..need me to help..~~''
In the end,I went.Cos I felt not nice if I didn't go..he will be very disappointed.Anyway,I enjoyed myself alot.Keke..thx to him being a good entertainer too..and my friends..
Posted by
4/22/2007 09:32:00 AM
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
Saturday, April 14, 2007
As i was wondering of what to write this time,I decided to write bout this guy i get to know since i enrolled in the kdu law programme..hehe..(name wouldnt be revealed..)
Seriously speaking,this friend of mine has a great sense of humour,caring,good-looking,smart( in and out),and he has been very very good to me.Haha really appreciate him as my buddy.One thing I like him the most is he cared for me as i was very down last week(due to some personal problems..) he tried his best to cheer me up when i was crying..haih alangkah baiknya if my ex got juz half of his wud be so much betta for me....and thank goodness tat i no longer like him..there's no more'feelings' having a good life of freedom now..hahaha..shd have met this guy earlier..hahaha sei lo..i think he's still angry wif me as i impliedly promised to let him see what i'd written bout him..but in the end i chose not to...he kinda waited quite long for my 'draft' of him..
Actually im afraid tat i might fall for him..bcoz i tend to fall for guys who r 'extinct' now..this kind of guy.where to find..?? Besides,(to me) he's quite unique in his own way which attracts me alot...hahaha (if u r reading pls dun be perasan la..)
Hahah okay betta stop here and continue SOP..juz wanna appreciate how much i like u la..keke and also thank God tat i hav u as my 'dear'...hahaha ok tat i posed it in my blog..u'll be able to read it..and all the best for the coming exam...hehe sry ar dun hav ur handsome photo here..hehe dun wanna let ppl know who u r..hahaha
Posted by
4/14/2007 11:14:00 AM
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
I used to have a great skills of playing the piano.Haih out of the blue,it's a definite that there would be a few mistakes in a song being played.What had happened to me..??How sad laaa.I wanna cry edy-.-Haih..ever since I enrolled in SAM in taylor's,I rarely open my grand.It had became a 'display'.Haha whenever I'm free, I'll juz go to one u,or wud juz watch any tv programmes tat's nice.Totally 4got bout the piano...
Btw,good luck to jia sin,my collegemate in kdu,her diploma piano exam is tomoro.Cool.Haha.I wish maksim wud come to m'sia again..wanna see his performance,damn sat.The last time he came to m'sia,I didnt go.Haih...
These few days very stressed up lo..4 days to exam..pimples popping out..haih..Spent a few days reading the AG V HOLLEY head is full of their judgments now..(haha but if u ask me anything regarding tat,i dun think i can recall) i guess i hav to retype it lo..haih..sad case..
Posted by
4/11/2007 06:33:00 PM
Monday, April 09, 2007
''Opportunity Cost''
Actually I wanted to watch America Next Top Model at 8pm,but when I was being troubled to study the case of Attorney General For Jersey v Holley,I told myself to change my mind.Looking at the long judgments really scare me to the edge.
Decided to take a break after reading half of the legal issues,which took me almost 2 hours to make the facts get into my brain.My Goodness.And that I have not finish the judgment delivered by Lord Nicholls of Birkenhead. I've got 2 other judgments to read..the dissenting judgments by Lord Bingham of Cornhill and Lord Hoffman..lulululu...
Just the first judgment there's so many to remember.The two tests of provocation provided by Section 3;the first element-whether the defendant is provoked to loose his self-control.This includes evidence of any mental or other abnormality making it more or less likely that the defendant lost his self-control.The second element is-an objective test-considering the question whether the provocation was enough to make a reasonable man do as the defendant did..
The issue of ''reasonable man''-a person of ordinary self-control.Leading case-DPP v Camplin-the quote given by Lord Diplock..bla bla means an ordinary person possessed of such powers of self-control as everyone is entitled to expect in society..bla bla..
Then there's Lord Simon of Glaisdale,and Lord Goff of Chieveley..bla bla bla..
Then there's the issue of external standard..and cases to remember..R v Kirkham-Coleridge J''bla bla bla''....R v Welsh-Keating J..''bla bla bla''..Mancini v Director of Public Prosecutions-Viscount Simon LC..''bla bla bla''....
R v Duffy-Devlin J-the issue of sudden and temporary loss of self control................................................................................lazy to write again..let's divert the topic..
Watched Mr World 2007 this afternoon,first time I came across this programme.The contestants were HOT,TALENTED (they can sing very well-like Il Divo)and SMART-comprises medical students,engineering students..COOL.GOOD-LOOKING.Deep eyes,sharp nose,kissable lips,hot voice......
Nowadays seldom get the chance to glance at hot guys edy,have to accept the fact that exam is drawing near..instead I'd been reading cases and law reports and judgments,haha also the legal system.......hehe cute guys really cheered me up.Keke.Satisfy my eyes lil bit.
Have to go edy.Dinner.
Posted by
4/09/2007 08:36:00 PM
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Ease of it
Paiseh day.Dun wanna describe here.Too paiseh edy''
Today I had lunch with my ex-neighbour.Hehe.We ate in The Chicken Rice Shop..actually we are supposed to catch a movie,unfortunately my class only ends at 1pm on evert's lil bit too late then since the movies start at 1pm..
And I went somewhere else also.Hehe.It cannot be revealed.
OK.Better continue my studies..
Posted by
4/07/2007 08:17:00 PM
Friday, April 06, 2007
Missing You
Sunday morning
Time to say goodbye
But I'll be out real soon
Though you are leaving
Girl,don't start to cry
I'll be thinking of you
It's a lonely ride on the midnight train
I'm counting down the days till we'll meet again
How can I smile with a tear in my eye
How can I sing when my words have run dry
I'll face the thunder when I'm used to the sunshine
That's how it feels
When I'm missing you
I never met a guy who was so damn nice
Can't wait to see you again
I never had a love so complete
And you know that I'll be dreaming till then
How Is It Now That I Can Tell You That I Love You
How Is It Only Now That It's Too Late
What Can I Do The Love That We Had Is Torn In Two
So U Take The Smiles From All Of Our Years
And I'll Take The Tears
I hear you whisper in my ear
All of the words I long to hear
Of how you'll always be
Here next to me
To wipe away my tears
There are so many handsome guys in the world
But there's only one guy that I want
And I've chosen today that I can't ever stay
Unless I can stay here with you
You're all the things I've got to remember
You shying away,I'll be coming for you anyway
One last song I sing for you
Like I always did
This time it's for real
I never come to you like this
Expecting you to turn my kiss
Posted by
4/06/2007 10:44:00 PM
Special thanks to Florence
Thank you florence for your information bout ARES. I'd been much troubled by limewire ever since last week,and now I'm just so glad that it's a'buhbye' to limewire and 'hello' ares.Haha..I was thinking( haihz no point buying ipod when I dunno how to download songs into it..)kekeez wasted almost 400 bucks on it ma..
Yesterday me,weiyee,wei chao,hua jie and one more guy from UOL external went to one-u and ate Burger King. It was a joyful outing with hua jie and wei chao around. Funny,as usual. Weiyee,she looked so sporty with her nike cap.Haha..(she would be so glad to see this) It's so not the wei yee that I knew.Suddenly she became some sort of hip-hop girl.Haha..
After that,they went to my house.A surprise visit.Haha,didn't expect them to come in,coz wei chao said he wanna go back to subang. By the way,I'm so glad that they came.As those two,hua jie and wei chao didn't turn up for my party last month,I'm kinda sad and disappointed..coz they went back to banting mah..haihz..
In Burger King,we talked lots bout ''qing gu''.Kinda giving a bad impression to the guy from UOL external programme.Kinda bad la we all.Hehee..but indeed he's not gentlemen and not nice at all.At times,he thinks he's very smart when he's not.Oh God.And the BO. Omg.It stinks.Hahah..laughing and laughing in Burger King....
Posted by
4/06/2007 09:40:00 AM
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
how come my favourite song is not playing????
Posted by
4/04/2007 12:17:00 PM
got my ipod shuffle.Called cousin to ask where she download her songs.She said''limewire''.Got excited.Went to download but then don't know y can't download.sob.sob.sob.It didn't work.
Nevermind.Yesterday went to watch Mr.Bean.Haha the show is funny.Especially the oyster part.Haha amy said that meal waste money.The serving is not big,the ice is big only.Haha.Kinda agreed with her.
Posted by
4/04/2007 12:07:00 PM