Wednesday, August 16, 2006

today i'd been so college frens sort of like 'zha' my hair colour,saying that my hair colour is similar to ---...not only that,I'd been called Mrs.---....swt...luckily I didn't bumped into him today,if not..buruk padahnya~~~

I'm quite satisfied with my new look..keke..kinda outstanding,yi ying said.Anyway,SAM programme is going to end soon..kinda fast when come to think bout it.Oh ya,today we had d career voyage,it's kinda wasting time..(not as interesting as I expected)

Next month is trials..kinda freaking out now,is only one month and 6 days away...-.-//Still dunno whether wanna take driving test..My parents don't allow me to drive to college until 6 months on-the-road driving,and they need to assess my driving skills...-.-''

Right now,I'm thinking of d holidays I'm going to enjoy after finals..6 months holidays~~WOW!!can't wait..holidays a heaven~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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